About Friendship Baptist Church
Our Mission Statement
Our Purpose | Global
Our Purpose | Local
FBC’s mission statement is “Produce committed believers who will impact the world with the gospel that our church may bring glory to God.” This applies to “Judaea, Samaria, and the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Our sincere desire is that there would be the cultivation of a “missions attitude” in each member of Friendship Baptist Church. Fulfilling this mission requires meeting the following three goals:
His mind becomes our mind.
His heart becomes our heart.
His vision becomes our vision.
God has graciously blessed this church with the ability to support several missionaries. Our Missions Committee, along with the pastor, is responsible for keeping missions information and updates before the church body. We currently support 33 missionary families throughout the US and around the world.
FAMILY is important to us. Not only our immediate famlies, but our church family as well. We strive to meet the needs of each home through specialized teaching and training, and a commitment of genuine concern for one another.
LEARNING God’s Word and His plan for each of our lives is the focus of all preaching and teaching at our church. Our Mission Statement is “Produce committed believers who will impact the world with the gospel that our church may bring glory to God.”
WORSHIP is something we do corporately to focus our minds on God. It prepares our hearts to listen to the Holy Spirit as the Word of God is preached. We also encourage individual worship on a daily basis as God blesses us and directs our lives.
MINISTRY is something in which we’re commanded to be involved. No matter what area, age group, skill set, or ability, each of us is an ambassador for the Lord Jesus Christ.
SERVICE areas abound in which you can help your church family or the community at large.