
Read about how Friendship Baptist supports missions around the world

What is the heartbeat of God? What does it really beat for? Have you ever thought about that? What is the most important thing to the Creator of this universe? what is at the very top of His priority list? A close relationship with every person! We want our top priority to be the same. That commitment is at the center of all we do in our missions ministry.

We have been privileged to support 22 missionaries and other special projects at a level of $75,000 a year. Since the beginning of our church, we have given $825,000 toward home and foreign missions and look forward to increasing our giving each year.

Each year in early spring, we have a Missions Conference which helps redirect our attention to what God is doing on a global scale and redoubles our efforts in doing what we can to help get the Gospel to those who’ve never heard the name of Christ. When we can, we enjoy taking missions trips to foreign lands to help widen our worldview and allow God to break our hearts for those who’ve never heard the Gospel.