Kids Ministry

We believe it is our job as teachers of the Word of God to prepare youngsters to serve our Lord for their entire life. To do this we must give them a foundation in the Word of God as well as an understanding of their Christian heritage.


Every Wednesday during the school year, kids from ages 4 to sixth grade meet for an hour and a half to memorize Scripture, participate in game time, and hear a brief devotional from one of the adult leaders. This ministry is great for teaching kids foundational Bible principles from God’s Word. Adults are always needed to listen to verses, help with game time or be group leaders.


During the Sunday morning service, kids aged 4 to fourth grade get to experience their own brand of worship through Bible stories, object lessons and crafts. We utilize teachers and other adult workers each week, and this is a good place to begin teaching if you’ve never done it before.


Currently our elementary ages are divided into two different classes: grades k-3, and grades 4-5. Our curriculum comes from Answers in Genesis which takes students through the Bible, cover to cover, in three years. Children need adult leaders with a heart for developing their talents and abilities for the benefit of others.